Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dear alts of mine:

Ok so heres the deal, i can never stick with an alt. To date i have only gotten a few alts on my secondary account to 100 and rarely actually stick with them after that point. The others often get deleted at some point before 100. And yes that image has 2 ecas in it on one account. The reason? The first eca named chococat is a strength build but its alittle obscure. Basically hes a head ache build(as ive come to call it), he specializes in spamming rekop from afar, then using feline spirit in conjunction with Ecaflips luck to either self kill, kill the enemy, or heal for a good deal of health. Needless to say the reason i made the new eca (bawksyy) was because resetting his spells through dopples and otomai would probably take longer then it would take me to get bawksyy to chocos level.

I have no idea why i keep doing this though, ill spend millions of kamas making a character and getting gear in anticipation of them getting a decent level, then boredom strikes. Once upon a time i leveled a sram up to 140. I absolutely hated every level of it but i kept telling myself it would get better when she was decent. Well she got fairly strong and i still disliked the class and builds all together. So thats probably why i just delete if i get bored, but it makes me wonder. What if bawksyy(and yes its a play on the 4chan user/meme/LEGEND XD boxxy)doesnt play out so well. Will i make a new character and waste more kamas? OR should i just give up on having an official alt. I mean, i already have access to Several of my friends characters already ranging from level 80 to 199, so i obviously dont even need this account.

To date chococat has the most fun ive had playing a character. In fact before i switched him to being a head ache i found him to be more entertaining then my panda. So im pretty anxious to see how bawksyy turns out, shes already a heck of alot of fun at level 40 so hopefully by the time she can wear my Moowolf set shell be a char unworthy of deletion.
What does everyone think?


  1. I remember Chococat from back in the day (and that's way back)! Good times.

  2. Gonna have to maky a new moo set for her, the ass whole stole deths gear decided to take some of my left over moo pieces too.

    Le sigh.

